3 Mar 2014

Centos: Squid + Report + Webmin gui

1) to install WEBMIN administration gui , you first have to manually ad the repository for YUM:

$ vi /etc/yum.repos.d/webmin.repo

----- add ----
name=Webmin Distribution Neutral
----- add ----

2) then you have to download & install the webmin GPG public key:

$ wget http://www.webmin.com/jcameron-key.asc
$ rpm --import jcameron-key.asc

3) install webmin with yum:

$ yum install webmin

4) at this point you should have you GUI already running on port 10000:

       open url:  http://servername:10000

5) now you can install SQUID and SARG (squid analysis report generator):

$ rpm -Uhv http://apt.sw.be/redhat/el5/en/i386/rpmforge/RPMS/rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm
$ yum install squid sarg
$ find / -name sarg.conf 


due to some needs, i ended up using the latest SARG version instead of the one supplied via YUM which is quite old and lacking of some nice features!

So these are the steps i followed:

1) unistalled sarg via YUM --> yum unistall sarg
2) download latest SARG --> wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/sarg/files/latest/download
3) extract it to /usr/src --> tar xvzf sarg.latest.tgz
4) install it --> basically you have to follow the isntruction in the README file
  • $ cd /usr/src/sarg-2.3.8
  • $ ./configure
  • $ make
  • $ sudo make install
remember to update your /etc/sarg/sarg.conf for your needs, especially for the folder where you want to save your reports.

NOTE for WEBMIN --> be sure to have the same config parameters in your sarg.cong and in your webming interface.

5) i installed my own version of cronjob to create a report every 15 minutes:

  • */15 9-19 * * * /usr/local/bin/sarg -d day-0 -f /etc/sarg/sarg.conf -n

6) last but not least, i also added an "hostalias" file to summarize the logs coming from the same domains:

--- add this line in the /etc/sarg/sarg.conf ---
hostalias /etc/sarg/hostalias

--- and add a new file named /etc/sarg/hostalias containing something like that ---
*.googlevideo.com www.googlevideo.com
*.googlevideo.com:443 www.googlevideo.com

DOS Batch to backup virutalbox machines

This DOS script can be used to schedule backups of your virtuabox machines.

The backup consist in a simple copy of the VMs file into a backup folder.
But this script, in case of a RUNNING machine, will also change the state of the vm to SAVESTATE before proceding with the backup, and will bring it back to RUNNING after the copy is completed.

  • gnugrep must be installed (download it from here . PS: remember to dowload also the "Dependencies" package form here, which contains the required DLLs if you don't already have it);
  • change the 3 variabiles (highlithed in red) according to your needs (without trailing backslash):
  1. VBDIR --> the location of the virtualbox manager installation
  2. VMDIR  --> the base forder of your virtualmachines files
  3. BAKDIR --> the folder where you want to copy the VMs to
  • create as many SUBSCRIPT as you need, one per each VM you want to backup; 
  • in each SUBSCRIPT, update the MYVM (yellow) variable with the name of the virtual machine (the one you see in the virtual box manager);


@echo off

set VMDIR="c:\virtual_machines"
set VBDIR="C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox"
set BAKDIR="D:\Backup\VM"

date /t > %BAKDIR%\bak.log
time /t >> %BAKDIR%\bak.log
@echo using virtualbox bin folder: %VBDIR%
@echo using virtualbox machines folder: %VMDIR%
@echo using backup folder: %BAKDIR%
cd /d %VBDIR% >> %BAKDIR%\bak.log

REM xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
REM SUBSCRIPT: create one per each VM to backup
REM xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
set MYVM=machine1
REM xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

for /f "delims=" %%A in ('VBoxManage list runningvms^|grep -c %MYVM%') do set "MYSTATUS=%%A"
@echo BACKUP for: %VMDIR%\%MYVM%   -  Current status: %MYSTATUS%
if "%MYSTATUS%"=="1" VBoxManage controlvm %MYVM% savestate >> %BAKDIR%\bak.log
xcopy /D/S/Y %VMDIR%\%MYVM%\*.* %BAKDIR%\%MYVM%\ >> %BAKDIR%\bak.log
if "%MYSTATUS%"=="1" VBoxManage startvm %MYVM% >> %BAKDIR%\bak.log
@echo BACKUP OK >> %BAKDIR%\bak.log

REM xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
REM SUBSCRIPT: create one per each VM to backup
REM xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
set MYVM=machine2
REM xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

for /f "delims=" %%A in ('VBoxManage list runningvms^|grep -c %MYVM%') do set "MYSTATUS=%%A"
@echo BACKUP for: %VMDIR%\%MYVM%   -  Current status: %MYSTATUS%
if "%MYSTATUS%"=="1" VBoxManage controlvm %MYVM% savestate >> %BAKDIR%\bak.log
xcopy /D/S/Y %VMDIR%\%MYVM%\*.* %BAKDIR%\%MYVM%\ >> %BAKDIR%\bak.log
if "%MYSTATUS%"=="1" VBoxManage startvm %MYVM% >> %BAKDIR%\bak.log
@echo BACKUP OK >> %BAKDIR%\bak.log