27 Dec 2008

My firefox addons

this is just a memo for myself :)
... but hope can be usefull to anyone

How to watch BBC iPlayer shows outside the UK

i've found this very interesting post !!

the only variations i've applied on my own are:

1) installed PortableTor (instead of the standard version)

2) edited manually the file ./Data/Tor.cfg
adding the following lines:

StrictExitNodes 1
exitnodes anotherlink,CarlosNet,ciccio,connorPC,PD,MrNiceGuy,procurator,shortname,colinwillsdorkyahoo,Hilikme,

Thx to Cherie!

You wanth to donload BBC iPlayer videos too?
checkout this post.
UPTADES: this no longer works anymore :(

6 Dec 2008

White screen with Compiz?

Compiz = white screen?


A quick way to temporary solve the white screen problem, is to remove compiz.

--> To quickly get out of the white screen, don't spend time rebooting in safe mode and stuff ...

Just follow those simple steps:

--> once you have your white screen desktop loaded ...

1) move to another desktop:
by pressing: CTRL + ALT + F1
2) login
3) remove compiz:
$ sudo apt-get remove compiz
$ sudo apt-get autoremove
4) return back to your desktop
5) restart the X session:


Running ATI? try this command:
$ aticonfig --initial -f

Most of all is just a matter of configuration.
If you have a normal video card with 3D acceleration (even ATI :)) Compiz MUST work!

1) first of all update your system
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
(or $ yum update ... :)
2) you need to have your video driver correclty installed (look here for ATI)
3) check that X server can run correctly ($startx) (troubleshooting here)
4) start compiz (possible problems here)
5) in case you messed up with your xorg.conf, try deleting it. If startx runs, then follow the steps here, to create a new clean xorg.file. Finally start adding the needed parameters to make 3D acceleration and stuff.